ActionView disappears when activity is rebuilt from saved instance state
rjam opened this issue · 2 comments
When the activity is rebuilt from a saved instance the current action on the actionview becomes invisible. For example, using the drawerAction, when I return to my activity and it has been rebuilt the hamburger icon is gone although when switching back to the back icon from opening the side drawer I can see the 3 lines animating from outside of the view's viewport into a perfect backAction.
To reproduce just go into developer settings and enable the option "Don't keep activities". Then open an activity with an ActionView, navigate away from it and reopen it causing it to be rebuilt from the saved instance and the ActionView will not be showing properly.
@markushi Did you experienced this as well or know how to fix it?
This is a problem that I see also.
Hi guys, any updates? I have the same issue.