
multi languages

Closed this issue · 1 comments

i want to support langguages: japanese, chinese, korean, vietnamese

Greetings @vohoangtuit ,

You can add the respective messages .properties file for the languages you want.

Some steps:

  1. Clone the project and search for the example properties file, this one is made for english language.
  2. This file containts key=value lines, so, make a copy of the file taken in (1), and change the values according to the language you want, keep in mind that the message keys in the properties file must not be changed.
  3. Rename the properties file copied in (2), checking the filename format for selected language. for example: -> for messages displayed in japanese -> for messages displayed in chinese* -> for messages displayed in korean -> for messages displayed in vietnamese

* (keep in mind that are multiple variations for chinese - traditional, simplified)

Once finished creating the new language messages properties file, put it into the same folder as the example properties file provided, and check that the library builds succesfully.

Finally, after everithing is OK, make a pull request (PR) and it will be added in the library and therefore it will be released when reviewed.
