
npm install fails on gyp-build of contextify

Closed this issue · 3 comments

rtm commented

Upon doing

npm install --save event-drops

I get the error

2757 error argv "/home/rtm/.nvm/versions/node/v7.2.1/bin/node" "/home/rtm/.nvm/versions/node/v7.2.1/bin/npm" "install" "--save" "event-drops"
2758 error node v7.2.1
2759 error npm  v3.10.10
2760 error code ELIFECYCLE
2761 error contextify@0.1.15 install: `node-gyp rebuild`

A bit of research reveals that contextify is obsolete. contextify@0.1.15 is being brought in by json@1.0.0 which is being brought in by d3@.3.5.3 which is being brought in by event-drops. Evidently there is a newer version of jsdom without the contextify dependency:

$ npm install --save event-drops --dry-run
nemmadi-console@1.5.0-alpha2 /home/rtm/repos/nims/console
+-- event-drops@0.3.0-alpha1
| `-- d3@3.5.3
|   `-- jsdom@1.0.0
|     +-- contextify@0.1.15
|     | `-- bindings@1.2.1
|     +-- htmlparser2@3.9.2
|     | `-- domhandler@2.4.1
|     `-- parse5@1.5.1

I'm confused by this because package.json in the event-drops repo lists the d3 dependency as d3@^4.7.0.

Same here.

@rtm: which version are you using? In last version, we indeed need the D3 4 version.

@fzaninotto, if you still have the use case, I would like to test it on your machine.

Closing as no more feedbacks. Feel free to re-open the issue if you still encounter it. :)