
TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'gremlins.spieces.typer')

op1ekun opened this issue · 5 comments



gives me the above error.

Windows Server 2012 R2
Chrome Version 46.0.2490.86 m
gremlins.min.js from master branch

I think this kind of bug is better solved when visualized. Jsfiddle?

Hi :)
What do you want me to visualize? I just run the three line of code I pasted above. The error is what I get in Chrome's console. That is all what is necessary to reproduce the bug.

I will try to create JsFiddle though.

Here's the fiddle:

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'typer' of undefined

I think i got it! Mistype "species". Take a look, you typed "spieces", so it gives undefined objects.

species !== spieces


Damn typo ... I was using auto-complete when I was trying it from console, but I typed it manually when I added it to the app.

Good catch! Thanks!