Redmine/Chiliproject Java API.
- Uses Redmine's REST API (don't forget to enable it in Redmine server settings).
- Does not require any plugins installed on Redmine/Chiliproject server.
- Runs on any standard Java 8+ platform (Android does not have standard Java).
- Supports HTTP proxy
- Supports GZipped responses from servers
- Uses SLF4J for logging. Provide your own SLF4J binding
- [Supported Redmine versions] (
- Available in Maven Central (binary, sources, javadocs).
Gradle dependency:
dependencies {
compile 'com.taskadapter:redmine-java-api:<current-version>'
Check the latest release version in Maven Central
Sample code.
Get list of issues
String uri = "";
String apiAccessKey = "somekey";
String projectKey = "taskconnector-test";
Integer queryId = null; // any
RedmineManager mgr = RedmineManagerFactory.createWithApiKey(uri, apiAccessKey);
// override default page size if needed
List<Issue> issues = mgr.getIssueManager().getIssues(projectKey, queryId);
for (Issue issue : issues) {
Multi-values search for issues
Params params = new Params()
.add("set_filter", "1")
.add("f[]", "summary")
.add("op[summary]", "~")
.add("v[summary]", "another")
.add("f[]", "description")
.add("op[description]", "~")
.add("v[description][]", "abc");
result = issueManager.getIssues(params);
Redmine searches for "Open" issues by default. You can specify "all" in your Map if you want:
params.put("status_id", "*");
Get related objects when retrieving issues
issue = issueManager.getIssueById(123, Include.journals, Include.relations, Include.attachments,
Include.changesets, Include.watchers);
journals = issue.getJournals();
Create an issue
Issue issue = IssueFactory.createWithSubject("test123");
Version ver = VersionFactory.create(512);
IssueCategory cat = IssueCategoryFactory.create(673);
ProjectManager projectManager = manager.getProjectManager();
Project projectByKey = projectManager.getProjectByKey("testid");
Get issue by Id
Issue retrievedIssue = issueManager.getIssueById(123);
Set custom field value on issue
Issue issue = ...
List<CustomFieldDefinition> customFieldDefinitions = mgr.getCustomFieldManager().getCustomFieldDefinitions();
// sample implementation for getCustomFieldByName() is in CustomFieldResolver (test class).
// in prod code you would typically know the custom field name or id already
CustomFieldDefinition customField1 = getCustomFieldByName(customFieldDefinitions, "my_custom_1");
String custom1Value = "some value 123";
issue.addCustomField(CustomFieldFactory.create(customField1.getId(), customField1.getName(), custom1Value));
Get all projects
List<Project> projects = mgr.getProjectManager().getProjects();
Free-form search for users
Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("name", name);
List<User> list = userManager.getUsers(params);
Create a group and add user to it
Group template = GroupFactory.create("group " + System.currentTimeMillis());
Group group = userManager.createGroup(template);
User newUser = userManager.createUser(UserGenerator.generateRandomUser());
userManager.addUserToGroup(newUser, group);
Delete user
Get time entries
TimeEntryManager timeEntryManager = redmineManager.getTimeEntryManager();
final Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>();
params.put("project_id", projectId);
params.put("activity_id", activityId);
final List<TimeEntry> elements = timeEntryManager.getTimeEntries(params);
Using a custom (e.g. self-signed) SSL certificate
See IntegrationTestHelper class:
final Optional<KeyStore> builtInExtension = getExtensionKeystore();
if (builtInExtension.isPresent()) {
return RedmineManagerFactory.createConnectionManagerWithExtraTrust(