
Cannot launch Marp CLI standalone binary

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Version of Marp Tool

Marp CLI 2.4.0

Operating System



Windows 10, with Edge and Chrome installed, but without Node.js

How to reproduce

  1. Download the latest standalone binary of Marp CLI (
  2. Unzip the downloaded .zip file
  3. Run the .exe

Expected behavior

Some Marp CLI interfaces show up where I can input Markdown content as shown in the GIF.

Actual behavior

A command line window appeared and disappeared after few seconds. No text was seen in the command line window. No process named 'marp' was shown in Task Manager.

Additional information


no need to install Node.js separately

so I didn't install Node.js.

yhatt commented

A standalone binary is "the executable CLI". It's not meaning "the GUI frontend of CLI".

Commonly CLI executables must be called from a console such as cmd.exe, not a file explorer. That's a matter in any CLI tool. (e.g. the process of ffmpeg.exe CLI will close immediately if tried to launch it by double click)

Close this because it's a generality, not a bug.