
Timeout which large PDFs waiting for Page.printToPDF failed: timeout 30000ms exceeded

Console32 opened this issue · 2 comments

Version of Marp Tool

@marp-team/marp-cli v2.4.0 (w/ @marp-team/marp-core v3.5.0)

Operating System



  • OS version: [e.g. Windows 10 / macOS Big Sur 11.4 / Ubuntu 20.04.2]
  • Node.js version (Marpit / Marp Core/ Marp CLI): [e.g. Node.js 14.17.1]
  • VS Code version (Marp for VS Code): [e.g. VS Code 1.57.1]

Windows 11 2204 // Gitlab Pipeline

How to reproduce

Just create a marp with some images, replicate untill you get a lot of slides (dependent on your machine) and try to run:

❯ marp ./.build/ -o complete.pdf --allow-local-files --theme ./themes/theme.css
[  INFO ] Converting 1 markdown...
[  WARN ] Insecure local file accessing is enabled for conversion from .build\
[ ERROR ] Failed converting Markdown. (waiting for Page.printToPDF failed: timeout 30000ms exceeded)

Expected behavior

builds the PDF

Actual behavior

Receive Timeout

Additional information

I could not find a qay to increase the printToPDF Timeout, maybe we can add an option / or increase default ?

yhatt commented

Currently you can increase or disable Puppeteer's timeout duration by PUPPETEER_TIMEOUT environment value in milliseconds. (#409)

# Set timeout duration to 60s
PUPPETEER_TIMEOUT=60000 marp --pdf

# Disable timeout

Pull request for making timeout setting as a CLI option is anytime welcome.

Related dicsussions/issues

Thank you. Works
