
Preview window not fully works when Previewing over 100 pages

Opened this issue · 2 comments

I run marp-cli on my linux( ubuntu based). I found that preview window works good when I open with --preview at first. But when I edit md files and save, the preview window usually loads only part of my markdown file when I have more than ninety or one hundred pages, for example, loading only 82 or 73 of my 112 pages.
Now I solve this problem by opening the html file with firefox or edge when previewing.
Is there any config file I can tweak?

yhatt commented

the preview window usually loads only part of my markdown file when I have more than ninety or one hundred pages, for example, loading only 82 or 73 of my 112 pages.

I could not figure out that's meaning. When Markdown update, the preview window will reload always after processing the whole of Markdown.

Could you describe details about you've seen, or provide a minimum reproducible example?

Thank for replying.
If the slide's content is simple, it's not easy to reproduce the situation. I usually change the font, add pictures, use bold font...etc.
For reproducing easily, let's create 300 pages slides( I usually encounter the situation when it reaches 90 or 100 pages).

  1. Create 300 pages slides.
    echo -e '---\nmarp: true\nsize: 16:9\ntheme: gaia\npaginate: true\nbackgroundColor: white\nbackgroundImage: url("")\n---\n' > && for i in {1..300}; do echo -e '![bg left:40% 80%](' >> && echo -e " \n### This is a test slide titles \n- Marp\n 1. also known as the Markdown Presentation Ecosystem.\n 2. provides an intuitive experience for creating beautiful slide decks.\n 3. You only have to focus on writing your story in a Markdown document. \n \n--- " >>; done

  2. npx @marp-team/marp-cli@latest --html --preview

  3. Edit , add some new pages and save, repeat several times.

The preview window goes blank white or load only part of my 300 pages after repeating to add several pages and save. But it syncs well if I open the generated html file with firefox or edge at the same time.