
Question - Can i do a4 documentation ?

Closed this issue · 4 comments

melck commented


I like marp to do slide presentation. I want to go further and use it for internal documentation. I think to create a custom style for slide and A4 document and then when i want to do documentation i would change $size and custom style properties.

Is it possible with marp ? Is it intented for usage like that ? Coud you give some advice ?

yhatt commented

Yes, Marp allows setting custom slide size by using theme CSS.

$size directive is only available for the old Marp app, and cannot use in Marp Next tools by technical restriction. You have to use theme CSS whenever wanna change the size.

/* theme-for-documentation.css */
/* @theme theme-for-documentation */

@import 'default';

section {
  /* A4 document size */
  width: 210mm;
  height: 297mm;

h1 {
  /* ...and your custom style properties... */

However, Marp for VS Code is not yet supported custom theme CSS (#39). Currently only Marp CLI is available to use the custom theme.

marp --theme theme-for-documentation.css --pdf

marp-team/marpit#163 would be helpful too.

melck commented

Ok perfect, @yhatt How can i help you for this feature ?

I supposed, i need to fork marp-core then marp-cli then marp-vscode ?

yhatt commented

We have received really many similar requests about this, so I created a new issue at Marp Core: marp-team/marp-core#91. It may be too complex as a first issue, but discuss and work about this would be good for many users.

yhatt commented

The latest Marp for VS Code v0.8.0 can use custom theme CSS.