
Authentication issue due hard coded user and PW

Closed this issue · 2 comments


it is not possible to add Watterkote heat pump because the integration after update doesn't ask to input user and PW:


The user and PW are hard coded in source code with the comment that this is really true - waterkotte have ONLY hardcoded user credentials!:

        # this is really true - waterkotte have ONLY hardcoded user credentials!
        args = {"username": "waterkotte", "password": "waterkotte"}

Unfortunately this is not true, on my Watterkote heat pump is possible to change the PW, so I'm not using the default PW:

Menu -> Service -> System control -> User account


  • Change the PW in the file mentioned above and restart HA.

Thank you for reading !! ;-)

thanks for sharing! - I'll fix that asap...

Over the weekend I was "just" searching in the web-gui for a option to change the user... It did not came to my mind to search on the actual device... So once more thank you very much - a new version have just been released