
Hookup points needed for CPS1 88617A A board

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While there is documentation provided for the 89626A board, I was wondering if you can provide the video data lines for the older 88617A board.

Looking at 88617A schematics, video data should be available from 3D and 4D chips (alternatively from 3C and 4C). Even though 3D/4D pinout is suitable for the 2x5 headers, 89626A adapter may not fit physically as pitch of the chips is different to 89626A. Could you measure center-to-center distance from 3D to 4D, and do you know if there is a high-res picture from 88617A PCB anywhere?

README files seem to have an error since 89626A is the currently supported revision, but it seems it should be easy to tweak the adapter PCB for 88617A.