• Root Directory.Builds.Props file settings

    • FromSource (if you change this setting you will most likely need to obj/bin clean and reset VS)
      • false means build from nugets
      • true means build from sources
    • XamarinFormsSource
      • location on your drive of Xamarin Forms source files
    • XamarinFormsVersion
      • Version of Xamarin Forms Nuget you want to use
  • Each project has specify targets that apply to that platform

    • Nuget.targets
      • Targets used to import nugets
    • Source.Targets
      • Targets used to import source code

    Using with your own project

Cloning the repository

Clone repositories using recursive parameter:

git clone https://github.com/PureWeen/Xamarin.Forms.Sandbox.git --recursive

Or Update

git submodule update --init --recursive

Cloning dotnetconf demo

git clone https://github.com/PureWeen/Xamarin.Forms.Sandbox.git 
git checkout  dotnet_conf
git submodule update --init --recursive

Updating the submodule

After you have pulled down the submodule it's good to make sure the submodule is using the latest source code or whatever branch you are wanting to test against

cd Xamarin.Forms
git checkout 4.5.0