
Some proxied requests add 10-15s delay

DanAndreasson opened this issue · 4 comments

We have a frontend which are proxying all API requests to our backend.

Web has the following static.json

  "root": "build/",
  "https_only": true,
  "headers": {
    "/**": {
      "Strict-Transport-Security": "max-age=7776000"
  "routes": {
    "/**": "index.html"
  "proxies": {
    "/api/": {

It's working well for us, but sometimes a request is super slow (10-15s) but the API is responding way faster than that.

Feb 11 12:01:38 learn2-web-production heroku[router] info at=info method=POST path="/api/graphql" request_id=81c75a60-7f04-46bb-b40e-2f7eefbb1888 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=1ms service=18518ms status=200 bytes=4330 protocol=https
Feb 11 12:01:39 learn2-api-production heroku[router] info at=info method=POST path="/graphql" request_id=81c75a60-7f04-46bb-b40e-2f7eefbb1888 fwd="," dyno=web.2 connect=23ms service=159ms status=200 bytes=12475 protocol=https

From the logs above
Web service=18518ms
API service=159ms.

Any ideas?

mars commented

What kind of Heroku dyno is this running on? If it's one of the lower or free tiers, then those could be caused by other dynos (noisy/naughty neighbors) saturating resources of the host and causing latency. Such issues should disappear as dynos cycle each day, or if you heroku ps:stop each of the dynos.

API runs 2 Performance-M and WEB runs 1 Performance-M. It seems like the issue above was related to request queueing due to some long-running requests.

However, It seems like there's still some overhead with the proxying. Diffing 22ms between API service and WEB service. is that expected?

Feb 26 16:08:56 learn2-api-production app[web] DEBUG D, [2021-02-26T15:08:56.523253 #51] DEBUG -- : source=rack-timeout id=39601b7d-348e-453f-acef-bae55311dcb7 wait=6ms timeout=10000ms service=3ms state=active
Feb 26 16:08:56 learn2-api-production app[web] INFO I, [2021-02-26T15:08:56.686653 #51]  INFO -- : [39601b7d-348e-453f-acef-bae55311dcb7] method=POST path=/graphql format=*/* controller=GraphqlController action=execute status=200 duration=164.75 view=0.86 db=0.00 request_id=39601b7d-348e-453f-acef-bae55311dcb7  operation=GetAppData
Feb 26 16:08:56 learn2-api-production app[web] INFO I, [2021-02-26T15:08:56.689448 #51]  INFO -- : source=rack-timeout id=39601b7d-348e-453f-acef-bae55311dcb7 wait=6ms timeout=10000ms service=169ms state=completed
Feb 26 16:08:57 learn2-api-production heroku[router] info at=info method=POST path="/graphql" request_id=39601b7d-348e-453f-acef-bae55311dcb7 fwd="," dyno=web.2 connect=1ms service=180ms status=200 bytes=11584 protocol=https
Feb 26 16:08:57 learn2-web-production heroku[router] info at=info method=POST path="/api/graphql" request_id=39601b7d-348e-453f-acef-bae55311dcb7 fwd="" dyno=web.1 connect=0ms service=202ms status=200 bytes=3867 protocol=https
mars commented

Yes, proxying always adds latency overhead. That's the nature of adding hops to a network connection. 22ms additional latency for the proxied round-trip is pretty typical.

Thanks for the explanation 👍