
A fast, beautiful, and powerful git branch viewer for vim.

Primary LanguageVim Script


test status

Flog is a fast, beautiful, and powerful git branch viewer for Vim.

flog in action


In Vim 8/9, LuaJIT 2.1 must be installed.

On systems without LuaJIT available, you may also use Lua 5.1, however this is less performant.

Neovim is supported natively.


If you use Plug, add the following to your .vimrc:

Plug 'tpope/vim-fugitive'
Plug 'rbong/vim-flog'

Using Flog


  • Open the git branch graph with :Flog or :Flogsplit.
  • Many options can be passed in, complete with <Tab> completion.
  • Open commits in temporary windows once you've opened Flog using <CR>.
  • Jump between commits with <C-N> and <C-P>.
  • Refresh the git branch graph with u.
  • Toggle viewing all branches with a.
  • Quit with gq.
  • See more mappings with g?.

Many of the mappings that work in the Fugitive :Git status window will work in Flog.

Run :Git commands in a split next to the git branch graph using :Floggit -p. Command line completion is provided to do any git command with the commits and refs under the cursor.

Flog can be heavily customized with functions. See examples for details.

Getting Help

See the issue tracker and :help flog.

See fugitive for help with fugitive.

See git log --help for help with git log.

More info: