
Cookiecutter templates for PyREx workspaces

PyREx Templates

This is a WIP collection of cookiecutter templates for use with PyREx.

There are two distinct types of template: workspace templates and experiment templates.

Workspace Templates
These contain a hidden file .pyrex_workspace.yaml which is required for PyREx to recognise a directory as a workspace, from which experiments can be generated. Apart from that, they can be pretty much anything! When creating a new workspace, the user will be prompted to input whatever parameters are defined in cookiecutter.json.
Experiment Templates
These need not contain any config file. However, the cookiecutter.json file should contain a certain set of fields which are passed to cookiecutter when the user runs pyrex create. Currently, the user is not prompted for additional inputs, so it is not possible to extend the base configuration, but this will change when cookiecutter 2.0 is released.

Minimal templates can be found at workspaced/base and experiments/base.