
[Request] Key to become controlling size

AeliusSaionji opened this issue · 3 comments

I access one abduco session (for irc) from many different computers, using persistent connections (like mosh). I frequently run into the problem where a different terminal is controlling the size, and I must reconnect to resize the terminal.

A keybind which does this on the fly would be appreciated.


Does a smallest-size-wins basis make sense? (Do other programs like tmux or screen do that?)

What kind of key (sequence) do you suggest? The goal is to be as transparent as possible, adding more key bindings increases the potential for conflicts. As the next thing someone will request an escape mechanism ...

I don't know what tmux/screen do, but using the smallest size seems like a severe pessimization. We currently use the size of the most recently connected client which should cover the most common case?

For me personally there is no real need to add such a key, because it is essentially: Ctrl+\ Up Enter i.e. detach and run last shell command to re-attach.

I'm not familiar with the mechanisms here, so I can only make guesses:

Is there any chunk of code only running when there's user activity? Perhaps there's a sensible way to make abduco automatically aware of the active context.

If not, it could piggyback off a Ctrl+L redraw?

Edit: upon consideration, you're right about just reattaching. I amend the feature request to: if this can be made completely automatic, let's do that, otherwise nevermind.