
Problems with starting a DrugExAgent

Opened this issue · 5 comments

So I started to go through some of the explanations at the documentation and among other problems (i.e. JSON Import is not shown in drop-down menu) I cant create a DrugExAgent.
I used the newest version were the DrugEx approach is already implemented and differs a bit from the documentation. I am aware of the provided changes and additions but after setting up the QSAR Model and the two networks (exploration and exploitation) I can't create the DrugExAgent with any possible settings I could imagine to change. I always get the same error:
{'environment': [ErrorDetail(string='Invalid pk "49" - object does not exist.', code='does_not_exist')]}
Where am I failing?

Hi @FloWulli,

sorry things are not working out. Just to clarify: You are using version 0.0.0.alpha3 with the correct frontend (also 0.0.0.alpha3), right? In this version, the new DrugEx package was introduced, which has multi-objective optimization. So the definition of the environment is extended. So if you are using the old frontend with the new backend, this might come up as such error...

If you are using the docker images, I have not built them for 0.0.0.alpha3 so the latest tag or 0.0.0.alpha2 should work with the old DrugEx and the problem might be elsewhere. Let me know what your exact setup is and we can go from there. I would definitely recommend using 0.0.0.alpha3 now if you have not tried it yet. If you would like to deploy via docker, the images should be online soon as well.

Hi @martin-sicho,
Sorry I was ill the last few days. Thank you for the fast and helpfull answer.
I thought I updated both of them since I had an similar issue a few weeks/months ago. But unfortunately I must have forgotten something on the frontend side (so thank you it solved my issue with the DrugExAgent.
The issue with the missing entry of the jsonimport (I followed your explanation from the documentation) still remains. I am not sure where the issue is there. I tried to search through the code and compared it to csvimport or sdf but seem to not be able to find the problem. I am now for back and frontend at the alpha3 version and am not using the docker images.
Should I open another issue or simply retry my implementation efforts (which I did obviously).
Thanks again

Hi @FloWulli, that is OK. I have been ill as well so have to catch up on things at the moment. Sorry for the late response, too. I am glad the update solved your problem with the agent at least.

Is this the relevant part of the documentation that you are talking about? I will try to look at it by the end of the week. I have not validated that this part of the tutorial still works so maybe something broke in the new version. Some ideas might be: Did you run python genuisetup after you put the extension in the source code? You also need to restart the backend server for the changes to take effect, it does not happen automatically in this case. Just some things you can check for as of now, but I will try to get back to you ASAP.

Hi @martin-sicho,
Yes this part of the documentation. I already restarted the whole procedure various times and also of course restarted the backend during these steps but unfortunately wasn't successful yet.
Thanks for having a look into it. Maybe its just a simple change I am not aware of.

Hi @martin-sicho How could I install your system so that I could look at the overview? could you please guide me or provide me any tutorial