
setup instructions for iOS incorrectly say to add entire RNHockeyApp folder

tomprogers opened this issue · 6 comments

The instructions say to add the entire RNHockeyApp folder to your project.

Add the RNHockeyApp/ folder to your project

Drag-and-drop from ./node_modules/react-native-hockeyapp/RNHockeyApp folder to your Project > Libraries.

This doesn't work, at least when performed against react-native v0.20.0.

The correct procedure is to add the two files inside the RNHockeyApp folder.

@JBerendes Update Readme instructions so the problem you have should be solved. Let me know if it helps.

Hi guys, thanks for flagging this and making efforts to fix this. This still isn't clear however, even after the PR. Because the title says to Add the RNHockeyApp/ folder to your project, that's exactly what we did. It should read Add 2 files from the RNHockeyApp to your project to avoid ambiguity – if indeed that's what you're supposed to do.

At time of writing, we haven't got this working yet. I also notice the approach for adding libraries for this module appears to be different from all other react-native plugins. Other react-native plugins have an .xcodeproj folder that gets added to the Libraries directory. Whereas for this module it appears that I'm supposed to add RNHockeyApp.h and RNHockeyApp.m directly to the Libraries directory?

Finally, no instructions are given about which settings to select when importing these to Xcode. I.e:

  • Should 'Copy items if needed` be selected or not?
  • Should I select Create groups or Create folder references, or does it not matter?

Any ideas on the above?

Many thanks

I have released new version 0.4.0 that should work with rnpm link. It will do all the magic for you.

Do you mean with "all the magic" that the only steps necessary are npm install and rnpm link ?

@martincik Hmm, then I had to open an issue. I just don't get it working: #20