
Android addMetadata not adding Metadata to crash reports

ncnlinh opened this issue · 2 comments

According to,

Starting with HockeyApp 3.6.0, you can add additional meta data (e.g. user-provided information) to a crash report. To achieve this call CrashManager.handleUserInput() and provide an instance of

This is not yet implemented

@ncnlinh The comment you referenced isn't related to the addMetadata method. You should be able to call addMetadata and have the specified data show up in the Description section of a crash report. Check out the the Cordova SDK for details on where you would find this info in the HockeyApp portal.

If you're not seeing this work, then it would be a bug with the addMetadata method and not with the HockeyApp Android SDK.

@lostintangent It is a bug with the method. I wrote my own module to bridge the HockeyApp Android SDK and it worked for me.