Unable to run state_machine
Closed this issue · 2 comments
greenz commented
Hello i am having issues with your plugin. I have installed both state_machine and state_machine-mongoid gems. Both show up in the gem -list. I added them to my GemFile
and added the required in my config/application.rb.
when i do a rake routes i receive this error
rake aborted!
undefined method `state_machine' for main:Object
Here is a snipped of my code
state_machine :initial => :pending
state :pending
state :converting
state :converted, :enter => :set_new_filename
state :error
event :convert do
transitions :from => :pending, :to => :converting
event :converted do
transitions :from => :converting, :to => :converted
event :failed do
transitions :from => :converting, :to => :error
Any ideas on what may be the issue? I am running Rails 3.0.3
opsb commented
gem 'state_machine-mongoid', :require => 'state_machine' in my Gemfile does it for me
greenz commented
Thank opsb I found out it was the placement of the state flow instructions they need to be under the includes before everything else.