
Python module/package to read, handle and operate on HDF5 files generated by Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH software

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


PyPI - Version PyPI Status Python Versions PyPI - License Last Commit Documentation Status

This package contains Python tools, classes and functions, to handle data recorded and processed with Hard- and Software produced by Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH.

Feature list

  • Read HDF5 data files that are compliant to the MCS-HDF5 Raw-Data protocol v. 3 (usually generated by the HDF5 export function of the Multi Channel DataManager)
  • Read data files that are compliant to the HDF5 based MCS-CMOS-MEA RawData format CMOS-MEA RawData protocol v. 1 (generated by CMOS-MEA-Control) and ProcessedData format CMOS-MEA ProcessedData v. 1 (generated by CMOS-MEA-Tools)
  • Provides structures to get the recorded raw ADC integer values and the meta data of every stream
  • Provides methods to get the measured values and timestamps in the correct context of the recording (scale, physical unit, ... etc.)


Documentation is available at https://McsPyDataTools.readthedocs.io

Source Code

Source code is available at https://github.com/multichannelsystems/McsPyDataTools

Test file archive

The McsPyDataTools package is accompanied by a separate archive that contains the the raw data files used by the unit tests. The content of this test file archive must be copied to the folder ...\McsPy\Test\TestData\ to be used by the unit tests. The test file archive can be downloaded at https://download.multichannelsystems.com/download_data/software/multi-channel-datamanager/McsPyDataTools-TestDataFiles.zip.


To install the McsPyDataTools, run the pip command in your terminal:

$pip install McsPyDataTools
History:See HISTORY.rst for details
Copyright:Copyright 2018 by Multi Channel Systems MCS GmbH, see AUTHORS.rst
License:See LICENSE.txt for details