
LaTeX template for monographic PhD theses at the University of Oslo

Primary LanguageTeXMIT LicenseMIT

PHDUIO – Monograph

This LaTeX template was used for article based doctoral theses at the University of Oslo. For the current official template, see uiophdthesis.

For article based theses, see the template PHDUIO – Article based thesis.

Available on Overleaf.

The main features of the template are:

  • Theses at the University of Oslo are printed in the book format 17 x 24 cm. This is about 81% of an A4 paper. In phduio, you work directly in the 17 x 24 cm format, so you do not have to worry about whether the font and figures will be legible after being shrunk for printing.
  • It defines a custom title page.

Example document



This text is about the specifics of the template.
The more general guide to large documents is also considered part of the documentation.

At the core, phduio consists of memoir, so in addition to what is mentioned here, you have all the functionality of memoir.

Title page

A custom title page is printed when \uiotitle is invoked. Just like \maketitle, it collects data from \author and \title. In addition, you can add a subtitle using \subtitle. Also, you must specify your affiliation at the university with \department and \faculty before calling \uiotitle.

Optionally, other affiliations can be added with \affiliation. Use \and or \AND to separate the affiliations. The use of \and is intended for separating subdepartments of a single institution:

    Center for Biomedical Computing
    Simula Research Laboratory

Whereas \AND is intended for separating two different institutions:

    Simula Research Laboratory
    Oslo University Hospital


If the class option [colophon] is used, \uiotitle will also print a colophon page with copyright and printing information. The colophon collects information from the commands \author, \faculty, \dissertationseries and \ISSN or – if you belong to the Faculty of Medicine – \ISBN.

If needed, the credits for cover design and printing can be changed with \cover and \printinghouse.

You can request the dissertation series number and ISSN/ISBN by sending an e-mail to the Graphics Center at grafisksenter@uio.no shortly before submitting the thesis. They are also able to edit in the correct numbers directly into the .pdf for you.

Screen mode

By default, phduio is set up for printing. If you want a version of the thesis that is more suitable for viewing on a screen, pass the option [screen] to the document class. This will colour clickable links and make the inner and outer margins equal.


The university's official colours are available under the names uiored, uiogrey and uiolink. The colon from the university logo can be accessed with \uiocolon.


  1. How do I remove labels from the margin?
    Use the document class option [final]:
  1. How do I compile the bibliography?
    The file phdstyle.sty imports the package biblatex with the option [backend = biber]. To compile the bibliography, run biber on main.bcf or change to [backend = bibtex] and run bibtex.

  2. How do I change the reference and citation style?
    The file phdstyle.sty imports the package biblatex with the option [style = alphabetic]. Replace alphabetic with another style name.

  3. Why do I get an error saying giveninits is undefined?
    The file phdstyle.sty imports the package biblatex with the option [giveninits = true]. The error indicates that you have installed an old version of biblatex. The best solution is to update your TeX distribution to the latest version. Alternatively, change giveninits to firstinits.

  4. Why is \citet and \citep not working?
    These commands are not defined in biblatex; their analogues are called \cite and \parencite, respectively. If you use an author-year citation style, you can define \citet and \citep to issue their counterparts by adding the following to the preamble:


If you are using a numerical citation style, \citetbehaves differently than \cite. In this case, add instead the following to the preamble:

  1. How can I use fragile macros inside \title or \author?
    Add \protect before the fragile macro.

  2. Why are some chapters preceded by a blank page?
    By the formal layout requirements, chapters should start on a recto page. A blank page is inserted if this does not occur naturally.

Contact information

If you need further assistance with the template, you may send an e-mail to latexguru@ub.uio.no.