
Multiple Planes issue

Closed this issue · 1 comments

Hello Martin ! thanks a lot for your library, it's awesome... !
I tried to make a simple movement on two planes in connexion to the mouse position...
I'm very close, everythings seems to be ok, except, I don't understand why the both planes.uniforms are connected....
When I play my function handleMovement, where I specified the special plane, the second plane take also the new position of the mouse (only if I all ready pass my mousse on). The result they have the same movement on the same moment. What I would like : there are indépendant like in your exemple (
I make my code on this pen :

Thank you !

Hi @julienprivat,

I think it is most probably a copy by reference issue. Using this inside your handleMovement function should do the trick:


By the way, please try to keep your example pen as minimal and functionnal as possible, it'd help debugging it quicker. :)
