
Evaluate Authentik

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Authelia is quite nice but also a bit limited in that it does not support things like attribute mappings. It also requires an LDAP backend to be deployed.

Authentik has the user management built-in and also supports things like attribute mappings and further custom logic via python. It's more heavyweight though and you cannot directly configure most of it via the helm chart. There's a terraform provider for that though.

It might be cool to deploy it next to Authelia to compare the two before I settle for one identity platform.

I looked into Authentik a bit and it adds way more complexity to my setup than I'm currently willing to maintain. I'll maybe revisit it a at later point in the future if certain missing features in Authelia become a blocker.

I migrated auth over to authentik. What's left is the removal of authelia, lldap and the shared redis cluster since these are not needed anymore.