Feature Request: Add variable to get the full path to the active file
peterfilipek opened this issue · 2 comments
peterfilipek commented
It would be really nice if there was a ability to get the full path to the active file for scripts in external Tools. Entering full script for each external tool is amazing feature but standard input - stdin - is not always very inconvenient way. I suggest something similar to variables in Notepad++ allowing access in run script to get full path to the active file, active file's directory, active file's name, filename without extension and extension.
$(FULL_CURRENT_PATH) : E:\my Web\main\welcome.html
$(CURRENT_DIRECTORY) : E:\my Web\main
$(FILE_NAME) : welcome.html
$(NAME_PART) : welcome
$(EXT_PART) : html
martinrotter commented
peterfilipek commented
Thank you, it works fine in Fedora 31.