
add find large

ktprime opened this issue · 2 comments

RandomFind_2000 is small dataset (load factor = 0.49)
and RandomFind_5000000 is medium dataset(load factor = 0.48)
I think change it to 600000 with load factor = 0.57 is better.

add a large dataset 12'000'0000(load factor = 0.71)

BENCHMARK(RandomFind_12000000) {

    static constexpr auto lower32bit = UINT64_C(0x00000000FFFFFFFF);
    static constexpr auto upper32bit = UINT64_C(0xFFFFFFFF00000000);
    static constexpr auto medium32bit = UINT64_C(0x0000FFFFFFFF0000);

    static constexpr size_t numInserts = 12'000'000;
    static constexpr size_t numFindsPerInsert = 10;

    bench.endMeasure(169388,    randomFindInternal(bench, 4, upper32bit, numInserts, numFindsPerInsert));
    bench.endMeasure(30126934,  randomFindInternal(bench, 3, upper32bit, numInserts, numFindsPerInsert));
    bench.endMeasure(60082938,  randomFindInternal(bench, 2, medium32bit, numInserts, numFindsPerInsert));
    bench.endMeasure(90041230,  randomFindInternal(bench, 1, lower32bit, numInserts, numFindsPerInsert));
    bench.endMeasure(119999853, randomFindInternal(bench, 0, lower32bit, numInserts, numFindsPerInsert));

Actually the benchmark adds items too to test with different load factors. On average the load factor for your table8 is 0.57397 (min 0.4, max 0.8)

for small dataset all key/value can be filled in cpu cache,
as for medium dataset, meta data of some hash map (why absl::flat_hash_map fastest) is also cpu cached, but for large dataset it's quite different.