
Question about data preprocess(standard scale)

Closed this issue · 3 comments

hi @martinwimpff , thank you for your work and code.
While studying your and others models, I noticed the way of preprocessing datasets (StandardScaler method):

def _z_scale(X, X_test):
for ch_idx in range(X.shape[1]):
sc = StandardScaler()
X[:, ch_idx, :] = sc.fit_transform(X[:, ch_idx, :])
X_test[:, ch_idx, :] = sc.transform(X_test[:, ch_idx, :])
return X, X_test

also you can find this scale method in other models:



From my understanding, this method(StandardScaler: Doc) normalizes the columns of a 2D matrix, it centering and scaling happen independently on each feature by computing the relevant statistics on the samples in the training set.

But for EEG dataset (shape: [trials, times] for each channel), it calculates the mean and std of all signal of trials at time sample t and standardizes it. However, this will change the time sequence of one trial , and maybe loss of time domain information?(because this changes the signal at t only according other trials).

So I can not understand this standard method, because the EEG time sequence is not like the multi-channel features.

Thank you again.😊

Hi @edw4rdyao,

thanks for your comment.
Yes, the StandardScaler calculates a mean and std per time point.
This will change the trials. However, the "relative" information stays the same and only some "absolute" information is lost. How serious this information loss is, depends on the concrete dataset and task.

We chose to use this scaling because, as you mentioned, it is used in other publications.

In our latest experiments ( we do not use any scaling as we found out that the effect is minor or even harmful in some cases.


Hi @martinwimpff ,

Sorry to trouble you and thank you for your clarification😐.I will study your latest paper and repo!

In addition, I would like to ask if you think there is any general standardization method for EEG data? such as standardizing the data of each trial in each channel, or directly throwing the real voltage value directly into the neural network?(of course, I will also do experimental verification, but I think this is a question may worth discussing.)

Now there is no question about your repo, I will just close this issue.


Hi @edw4rdyao

as far as I know there is no general method. You can check this paper for a small investigation on that topic.
