
jsonschema template metadata

mjaquiery opened this issue · 3 comments

Might be a good idea to encourage templates to explicitly identify themselves as having a labmanual template structure using the jsonschema metadata approach. This will also mean that people writing/adapting templates know which schema the template will be validated against (we may have to write that validation schema!).

Having a schema for validation will also allow us to track versioning of the different templates so we don't get in a muddle later.

So in practice we can have a metadata section (or just place metadata in the root?) that has the schema to which the template subscribes.

Creating a JSON schema to validate the lab manuals AND the lab manual templates against is a good idea. I wrote an initial version here: 9b65523

Still have to thoroughly test it against example lab manual JSONs. And we have to decide how we add citations in certain parts of lab manual templates to give proper credit to referenced info authors.