
Adding the dependency breaks existing request mappings

ensonik opened this issue · 2 comments

My project uses a hybrid of both XML and annotation based configuration (heavy on the XML).

Simply adding a dependency to the ivy configuration file breaks my application. It starts up error free, but none of the mappings work anymore.

There is likely some initializing bean of some sort that plays around with mappings, but I haven't figured out where it comes from.

As well, where do questions/feature requests get posted? As a new issue?


@ensonik Not familiar with ivy configuration fire. As for posting feature requests/issues you're at the right place :)

Hi Marty, the Ivy xml fragment I put there is the exact equivalent of a Maven dependency. Basically, I'm telling my dependency manager to bring in swagger-springmvc into my runtime classpath.

Adding that dependency (without any actualy code or configuration changes to my project) is enough to break all my existing mappings.