
"Model.PostValuesWithUpload" is null. in Model Dialog Demo.

kanwarmanish opened this issue · 4 comments

This piece of code is giving error - as "Model.PostValuesWithUpload" is null.

<!-- Additional values to be posted with form-->
@foreach (var postItem in Model.PostValuesWithUpload)
    @Html.Hidden(postItem.Key, postItem.Value)

I simply installed the NuGet package in VS 2010. Happens in Model Dialog demo when clicking on the first Upload button.

For VS 2012, MVC 4 it works fine.
Could you tell which version of MVC framework you are using so that i can test.

I am using MVC 3 with VS 2010.

there was a problem in Dictionary binding in case of Mvc 3.
I have corrected the serialization syntax and gonna publish a new version now.

By the time u can use it either in MVC 4 or excluding the additional values posted with each upload feature.

New version published. Just upgrade nuget package.