
Conflict due to new versions of jupyter-client

Closed this issue · 1 comments

This role installs ipykernel. The package jupyter-client is a dependence of ipykernel. New versions of jupyter-client (>=7.0.0) now depend on nest-asyncio>=1.5 which is incompatible with plumpy since the latter requires nest_asyncio~=1.4.0. plumpy working with nest-asyncio>=1.5? I am always confused by the meaning of ~=. It should allow any version that is not a major version change, right? In any case, at the moment, pip complains jupyter-client 7.0.3 has requirement nest-asyncio>=1.5, but you have nest-asyncio 1.4.3. and the build of the quantum mobile fails.
What is the best solution? Downgrade jupyter-client?

Sorry that this issue never got a reply.
The current aiida-core main branch seems to work with nest-asyncio 1.5.5

I.e. I believe this issue can be closed.