
HSP2 Premium error

wer0815 opened this issue · 2 comments

Hi, ist works fine but I get the error in the Log:

Some critical error occurred (see log). Disabling the adapter
Hardware / Software combination (KS01_V7.01) is not supported by this adapter! Please open an issue on GitHub.

And there ist no connection, but it works ;-)
Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-10-22 17-59-49

I added your device in v1.0.11. To test it, please install the adapter directly from GitHub:

Bildschirmfoto 2021-12-20 um 20 47 57

Can you please tell me which type of oven you are using specifically?
Also, please let me know if the adapter works for you now. Then I'll publish a new version.

Best regards

Hey Marvin,
that was fast!

Connected to device or service is green now and it looks like there are no more errors in the log.

Thank you!!!

I`ve the HSP 2.17 Premium-III-2019

Bildschirmfoto vom 2023-10-22 19-34-21