The Meta-Uncertainty Framework

This repository contains the code for the paper Meta-Uncertainty in Bayesian Model Comparison:

Note that the R code is structured as a package, thus requiring a local installation with subsequent loading via library(MetaUncertaintyPaper).

Installation Instructions

The {ggsimplex} plot package

The current paper code uses a highly experimental version of the ggsimplex R package. Install it from GitHub via


R environment

The R environment is captured with renv. Install the renv package and load the environment with


Python environment

The package requirements of the Python environment (except BayesFlow, see below) are captured in the requirements.txt file. Recreate the environment using

pip install -r requirements.txt

The amortized model comparison network (BayesFlow) in Experiment 3 uses BayesFlow at commit c4208418ad19b6648be216cfe013c8f5317a652c:

Should you fail to install this BayesFlow version or encounter unexpected errors, you can load the trained neural networks’ weights from the folder python/checkpoints_exp3/ and avoid re-training the network.