
error trying to use `mod upgrade`

msawangwan opened this issue ยท 28 comments

hi.. @marwan-at-work i'm trying to use a library that hasn't yet adopted modules (dgrijalva/jwt-go). so i forked the repo, cloned it and per the usage examples ran:

    mod upgrade

from the repo root directory (after running go mod init of course, so go.mod exists ..). on doing so, i get this error:

<html><head></head><body><p><em>Error:</em> Your request has found no candidate provider [hs="(null)", id="(null)"]</p></body></html>

needless to say, i do not know how to fix this issue. any help appreciated, thanks.

@msawangwan thanks for opening the issue.

  1. The mod tool does not make any explicit network requests so this is definitely a weird error.
  2. I reproduced your steps (inside and outside GOPATH), and everything worked as expected. In fact, I've had an open PR for jwt-go for a while now: dgrijalva/jwt-go#288

Curious to know any more information you can give me that led to this error. Thanks!

hi @marwan-at-work thanks for your reply. this must be user-error, as i get that same output (and no upgrade) when running mod upgrade in any directory, including the example directory in this project's repo.

any ideas? i did a go get for your tool under $GOPATH.. does this matter? and.. i'm on osx sierra if that makes any difference .. thanks.

@msawangwan the only dependency this command has is on so maybe it's building with an incompatible version of it.

Can you try the following from outside of GOPATH:

git clone
cd ./mod/cmd/mod
GO111MODULE=on go install

Then try again (making sure you're using the just installed binary).

OK so i did as you said but not sure where the binary is saved to -- didn't see one in the cloned so i used the binary under $GOPATH/bin/mod and.. hurray, the error no longer appears. instead i get:

screen shot 2018-12-10 at 10 19 28 pm

am i using the correct binary? does the error in the screenshot mean anything that you can make sense of? thanks.

actually.. that output isn't an error, is it? i see that the go.mod file in jwt-go shows the upgraded semvar... so.. it worked?

@msawangwan hmm, yep so those logs are coming from the dependency I mentioned above. I believe a newer pseudo version suppresses those logs so it might be nice to update its version in my go.mod file.

And yes you are using the correct binary ($GOPATH/bin).

Lastly, this seems like the error is gone, were the paths properly upgraded in all the .go files to include v2?

PS. you can do mod upgrade -t=3 since jwt-go is actually in v3

OK so.. i spoke too soon. although the go.mod file has /v3 appended, none of the imports in any .go files in the project have it..

ah you know what.. i see the issue.

go.mod has this (points to fork):


but the imports still point to the original repo:

import  ""

so.. does this mean i would have to update all the imports by hand (by hand, i mean.. sed :) )? fortunately, there aren't that many. otherwise, i'd say your tool is working.

@msawangwan that's a good point, I can potentially add a mod fork command that replaces an import path with another. In other words, you'd change the import paths first with mod fork <new path> and then do mod upgrade -t=3

@marwan-at-work if there isn't a tool for re-writing imports already, that would be pretty useful. if i had a few extra minutes, i wouldn't mind submitting a pr for it. regardless, thanks again for the help.

@msawangwan you're very welcome to, it shouldn't be difficult by looking at how upgrade works

@marwan-at-work cool, i'll give it a look and let you know.

hi @marwan-at-work i've created a branch and tried to submit a PR but got permission denied. how should i submit this?

@msawangwan you need to fork the repo and push the branch to your own fork

Hi @marwan-at-work - just FYI, I'm seeing this on too, attempting to upgrade from v19 to v20:

$ mod upgrade
<html><head></head><body><p><em>Error:</em> Your request has found no candidate provider [hs="(null)", id="(null)"]</p></body></html>

No big deal, I'll just update manually... Just wanted to let you know since you have contributed to this repo and it can make a cool and easy test case for you. ๐Ÿ˜„

@gmlewis make sure you build this tool with GO111MODULE=on

I've added a comment to include this flag in the readme, closing this issue. But please let me know if the issue still persisted after building with the correct flag.

Hmmm... I had originally installed this command without GO111MODULE being set at all, using: go get -u

So now, I just tried this:

$ pushd ~/go/src/
$ export GO111MODULE=on
$ go install
go: finding v0.0.0-20170111101155-53e6ce116135
go: finding v0.0.0-20180824202541-054e5a7d7b48
go: finding v1.4.1
go: finding v0.8.0
go: finding v1.0.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20180824175216-6c1c5e93cdc1
go: finding v2.0.0-20180128182452-d3ae77c26ac8
go: finding v0.0.0-20180218175443-cbe0f9307d01
go: downloading v2.0.0-20180128182452-d3ae77c26ac8
go: downloading v0.0.0-20180824202541-054e5a7d7b48
go: downloading v0.8.0
go: downloading v0.0.0-20180824175216-6c1c5e93cdc1
go: downloading v1.4.1
go: downloading v0.0.0-20170111101155-53e6ce116135
go: downloading v1.0.0
$ pushd ~/go/src/
$ git checkout -b v21-experiment
$ mod upgrade
<html><head></head><body><p><em>Error:</em> Your request has found no candidate provider [hs="(null)", id="(null)"]</p></body></html>

Am I doing something wrong?

@gmlewis super weird...I can't seem to reproduce this issue. I tried to do the same thing:

marwan-sulaiman:go-github 208581$ pushd ~/go/src/
~/go/src/ ~/go/src/
marwan-sulaiman:mod 208581$ export GO111MODULE=on
marwan-sulaiman:mod 208581$ go install
go: finding v1.0.0
go: finding v0.0.0-20180824202541-054e5a7d7b48
go: finding v0.0.0-20180824175216-6c1c5e93cdc1
go: finding v1.4.1
go: finding v2.0.0-20180128182452-d3ae77c26ac8
go: finding v0.0.0-20180218175443-cbe0f9307d01
go: downloading v2.0.0-20180128182452-d3ae77c26ac8
go: downloading v0.0.0-20180824175216-6c1c5e93cdc1
go: downloading v0.0.0-20180824202541-054e5a7d7b48
go: downloading v1.4.1
go: downloading v1.0.0
marwan-sulaiman:mod 208581$ pushd ~/go/src/
~/go/src/ ~/go/src/ ~/go/src/
marwan-sulaiman:go-github 208581$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on v21-experiment: 4076fd7 IssueEvents: Support Project Card fields (#1066)
marwan-sulaiman:go-github 208581$ mod upgrade
marwan-sulaiman:go-github 208581$ git status
On branch v21-experiment
Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

	modified:   example/appengine/app.go
	modified:   example/basicauth/main.go
	modified:   example/commitpr/main.go
	modified:   example/migrations/main.go
	modified:   example/newrepo/main.go
	modified:   example/simple/main.go
	modified:   github/examples_test.go
	modified:   go.mod
	modified:   test/fields/fields.go

no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")

What OS are you using and what version of Go do you have installed?

This is most likely an issue with go/packages and so it'd be a good edge case to catch. Thanks!

This laptop is MacOS High Sierra 10.13.6.
go version go1.11.2 darwin/amd64

Just now, I blew away mod:

$ rm -rf ~/go/src/
$ sudo rm `which mod`

Then tried to install from scratch:

$ cd
$ GO111MODULE=on go get
go: cannot find main module; see 'go help modules'

@gmlewis yes this is a modules draw back, make sure you have a dummy go.mod file in your CWD (or just git clone and run go install from inside of it)

@gmlewis let me know if blowing things away fixes things, if so i'll add a comment in the readme. Thanks! Reopening the issue, since my previous assumption is incorrect.

Still no joy... here is a continuation from last time:

$ cd
$ GO111MODULE=on go get
go: cannot find main module; see 'go help modules'
$ touch go.mod
$ GO111MODULE=on go get
go: cannot determine module path for source directory /Users/gmlewis (outside GOPATH, no import comments)
$ cat > go.mod

require ( v1.4.1 v1.0.0 // indirect v17.0.0+incompatible v0.0.0-20170111101155-53e6ce116135 // indirect v0.0.0-20180824202541-054e5a7d7b48 v0.8.0 v0.0.0-20180826012351-8a410e7b638d // indirect v0.0.0-20180821212333-d2e6202438be v0.0.0-20180824175216-6c1c5e93cdc1 v2.0.0-20180128182452-d3ae77c26ac8
$ GO111MODULE=on go get
go: finding latest
go: finding latest
go get no matching versions for query "latest"
$ ls -lrt
total 2328
-rw-r-----   1 gmlewis  gmlewis      604 Dec 12 22:16 go.mod
-rw-r-----   1 gmlewis  gmlewis     1165 Dec 12 22:16 go.sum

I'll try cloning the repo and install from there...

OK, that worked, but here is a weird MacOS thing going on, I think:

$ git clone
$ cd mod/cmd/mod
$ echo $GO111MODULE
$ go install
$ which mod
$ cd ~/go/src/
$ mod upgrade
-bash: /Library/Frameworks/Mono.framework/Versions/Current/Commands/mod: No such file or directory
$ ~/go/bin/mod upgrade

Mono.framework?!? Maybe this is an iTerm2 thing. Yep, sure enough if I exit iTerm2 and start a new one, that problem goes away. So it looks like I'm up and running again.

Thank you, @marwan-at-work!

interesting.. i was also having the issue when using iterm2 ..

A little late, but I just updated the README to make notice of this issue and the solution. Thanks again for digging into it!

Nevermind this was the wrong mod.