
Several warnings about missing sodium.pdb

Closed this issue · 1 comments

sfla commented

By simply building Yojimbo.sln I get a ton of warnings LNK4099 saying that sodium.pdb is missing. A quick web search says that it's a file related to debugging, and most forums say to "just rebuild sodium and copy its .pdb-file".
Well, how? First of all, I can't find it. I find something called "libsodium", but compiling that just gives me a libsodium.pdb, not a sodium.pdb.
Since it's just added to the repo as a dll and headerfiles instead of a submodule, I don't know how to find the real source so I can rebuild it.
I'm a complete noob, so I have no idea what to do about it. Having debugging capabilities in sodium isn't that important, but that output is really fucking annoying.

And I also get a warning saying "LNK4098 defaultlib 'MSVCRT' conflicts with use of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library", which I don't understand how that can be happening when I'm literally just running an unedited Yojimbo.sln. Don't know if it's related.
Btw, using Visual Studio 2019.

To solve this build and link sodium from source.