
Updated official release

pixsperdavid opened this issue · 5 comments

I created a Conan package ( for Yojimbo a while ago. As there's been quite a few new commits/merged PRs since the last official release (1.2.1), is it possible to get another official versioned release so I can update the package?

Hello, any update on this ? The current version in has a few issues:

  • conan-io/conan#3573 says that msvc is planned to replace Visual Studio for settings.compiler
  • Visual studio 2022 is not supported (but fixing the is not enough, premake5 version in Conan is stale too, I had to also replace it manually in my .conan/data folder locally)
  • yaml.load(...) seems to be yaml.full_load(...) in recent versions.

Let me know if I should put the above in a separate issue.

Working on this now

Hi, @pixsperdavid the current release should be appropriate for your Conan package. Do you have any time to update it?

I'll try and take a look at it at some point but pretty busy with other projects right now and I'm not using yojimbo in any code at present.