
preview post under the point

Closed this issue · 15 comments

It would be nice to open url with current post link under the point if there is one.

Hi @amosbird .
Thank you for comment.
I don't understand the meaning, so please give me a little more detail.

ok, lemme do a screencast :)

I hope it would make things clear.

Hi @amosbird .
Super thanks this screencast.
I also want that function.
Since you can change the URL with config.toml, URL is not uniquely determined.
The URL is different for each user.
Since hugo does not have this function, I'm worried about making this function with only elisp.
I want to ask opinion.

post = "/:year/:month/:day/:title/"

hmm, sorry but i don't understand. Do you mean we need hugo to provide that functionality? I think we can try with the default path and fallback to the main page if 404 :)

Hi @amosbird .
There are hands to try implementing simple ones.
But I think that the most troublesome is the title.
Multilingual compatibility and space handling.
What is your URL like?

ah. It looks like this

Sorry @amosbird .
What is your preview URL like?
What is your config.toml like?

oh, ok. I'm on my phone now. I'll post them later. Thanks for your quick reply :)

Ok @amosbird .
See you later.

preview URL http://localhost:1313/post/dictionary/


baseURL = ""
languageCode = "zh-cn"
title = "人体工程码学"
theme = "hugo-nuo"
enableRobotsTXT = true
pygmentsuseclasses = true
PygmentsCodeFences = true
canonifyurls = true

Hi @amosbird .
I see.
I Implement for default users and english url user.
Best regards

Great! Thank you @masasam

Hi @amosbird .
I has Implemented preview at the file name on the pointer.
This is useful as you say.
Thanks for a good idea.

Hi @masasam . Thanks for your hard work!