
Change postdir of a specific blog

minorugh opened this issue · 6 comments

I'm using emacs-easy-hugo with multiple blog,
and postdir setting is used by default.

However, I'd like to change postdir setting for specific one blog.
Give me a hint on how to deal with it.

Hi @minorugh .
Thank you for comment.

The following is the setting you want.

(setq easy-hugo-basedir "~/src/mainblog/")
(setq easy-hugo-url "https://yourmainblog")
(setq easy-hugo-sshdomain "blogdomain")
(setq easy-hugo-root "/home/mainblog/")
(setq easy-hugo-bloglist '(((easy-hugo-basedir . "~/src/blog2/")
		    (easy-hugo-url . "https://yourblog2domain")
		    (easy-hugo-postdir . "content/blog")
		    (easy-hugo-sshdomain . "blogdomain2")
		    (easy-hugo-root . "/home/blog2/"))))

Hope this helps.

Hi @masasam.
Thank you for advice.

I tried that setting already.
The article list correctly "content/blog" It will be changed.
However, When 'new-post' is executed, it's added to "content/post" instead of "content/blog".

Hi @minorugh .
Your customized function is running instead of easy-hugo standard function.

Hope this helps.

Sorry @masasam .
Just now I also noticed there was a problem with my settings.
I will check my settings again and report correctly.



After comment out my custmized function it worked fine.
Sorry to trouble you. really sorry.
My customization function can be solved by devising template.

I,m sorry for a childish follower, please help me without abandoning.
Thank you so much.

Hi @minorugh .

Mistakes are not ashamed.
Because sharing the source code with everyone is to cooperate with ideas and bug fixes.