
Emacs hangs after running easy-hugo-newpost

Closed this issue · 4 comments

I'm not sure when this started, but when calling easy-hugo-newpost (20181022.833 in Emacs 26.1.1) hangs, requiring me to force quit (macOS). Steps:

  1. Start easy-hugo
  2. Run easy-hugo-newpost
  3. Type a filename (e.g.
  4. Hit return

At this point, Emacs (gui, macOS) becomes unresponsive. The new file is created correctly, though. Not sure how to help debug this, but let me know if there's anything I can do.


Hi @jackbaty .
Thanks for report.
I often hear that emacs doesn't work with macOS Mojave.
See railwaycat/homebrew-emacsmacport#141 or
I think that it will be settled by examining this.
But I don't use macOS so I am not familiar with it.

Thanks, I'll look into possible Mojave issues. I thought most of them had been resolved but looks like there's at least one more :). I'll let you know if I find anything useful.

I think I've finally figured out what caused the hang. At some point I had put the following in my config.toml

newContentEditor = "vim"

I'm guessing Emacs didn't like that much :)

Removing that line fixes the hang.

Hi @jackbaty
I am glad that the problem was solved.
Thanks for the report.