
Why set `easy-hugo-url` manually?

c-alpha opened this issue · 4 comments

Couldn't the value for easy-hugo-url be auto-detected from the baseURL parameter in the config.(toml|yaml|json) file?

If you have two hugos running in one domain, that method will cause problems.
For example, in my domain called, is the site managed by the first hugo. is the site managed by the second hugo.

The baseurl of is as below.
baseurl = ""

The baseurl of is as below.
baseurl = "/blog/"

In this way, there are examples where baseurl does not become a domain.

The baseurl of is as below. baseurl = "/blog/"

Ok, that's an example where the value of baseURL in your hugo config is formally not a URL. Somewhat counter-intuitive to me, but seems to work for you.

What if you would set baseURL = "" in the config of your second hugo site Would the generated site still work correctly?

That doesn't work.

I see. It's not a show stopper for me, so I think it's probably best to close this issue as "answered".

In case you should still feel like doing something about it, a minimalist compromise could perhaps be to examine the type of the value of easy-hugo-url. If it is a string, that's the URL to use. If it is a function, use the string that the function returns as the URL. Just my two cents anyway.