
packaging v0.5.1 :)

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packaging v0.5.1 :)

I am going to update libffi to a newer version first. :-) I also want to add win64 support, lifted from a newer version of ctypes, but I don't have a win64 machine to test it...

I could setup a VirtualBox with a WinXP x64 and do some testing on it

Thanks! Just grab the HEAD, edit Makefile.win64 then "nmake /f Makefile.win64 all". After we get it working I can worry about having LuaRocks compile it. :-)

Oops. Seems I can't run a 64bit OS on a VM unless I have VT-X on the
CPU, and I don't. I'll try to find a machine with VT-X next week and
install a WinXP x64 on. Sorry for the delay.