Execution from crontab
Project-42 opened this issue · 2 comments
Hi, sorry if Im opening an issue for something is probably my lack of linux understanding...
Im trying to use notify to send me a script's result using cron.
Im able to execute notify from command line, but if I execute it from crontab, is not working:
I tried like this:
crontab content:
19 08 * * * /home/solifugo/notify_test.sh
22 08 * * * /usr/local/bin/notify -t "test2"
none of them are working executed by cron, but they are both fine if I do it from command line.
raspi: cat /home/solifugo/notify_test.sh
/usr/local/bin/notify -t "test"
I read something about Node script execution, but not sure if that applies here.
Anyway, hope someone can guide me.
Btw, the app is very nice. Simple and exactly what I really need (once I get crontab script working.. :P )
looks like there's bash version of this script: https://github.com/mashlol/notify/blob/master/sh/notify.sh
curl "https://us-central1-notify-b7652.cloudfunctions.net/sendNotification?to=${KEY}&text=${TEXT}"
Thank you! 😊 , that is a valid solution for my case.