
AndroidX support

Closed this issue · 2 comments

AndroidX stable has been released.

I think it's important to migrate support library to AndroidX.
We have two options to do;

  • Switch dependency by whether a user is using AndroidX or not.
    • Pros. / Users can use new features of Orma whether to use AndroidX or not.
    • Cons. / Users must enable Jetifier. It is very buggy and negatively affects build time.
  • A new major version (v6.x) only supports AndroidX.
    • Pros. / Code become simple and Jetifier is not needed.
    • Cons. / Users must migrate to AndroidX to use latest version of Orma.

I prefer the latter option, @gfx whats your opinion on this?

gfx commented

It is absolutely the second, i.e. upgrading the major version in order to heavily reduce both the efforts of committers and users.

Thank you for your opinion.
I'm going to send two pull requests for the issue.