
Instructions to build and use?

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How does one build and run this?

It looks like the "manifest" file is missing, so the jar cannot be reproduced from what's in the repo (or I just don't know how to do it), but here's the instructions how to run with java: #2


We can use ShufflePuck64 as an example ROM to convert:

pushd ~/Downloads
curl -o ./
unzip ./

And we can convert it by downloading and running n64RomConverter:

git clone

java -jar ./n64RomConverter/release/N64Converter.jar \
    -i ./shufflepuck64/Shuffle\ Puck\ 64\ \(PD\).z64 \
    -o ./shufflepuck64/Shuffle\ Puck\ 64\ \(PD\).n64

Thanks for adding the instructions.