
keychords do not work

xircon opened this issue · 6 comments

key-chord (Melpa) does not work in emacs-native-comp-git-enhanced- Functions correctly in the non-enhanced version.

so to confirm, it does work for --with-pgtk but in the mixed branch compiling --with-pgtk --with-nativecomp is not working?

I have noticed that there seems to be some churn with package startup in main that has caused issues for my startup,
is key-chord getting loaded? if so could you clear the eln cache and open it again

Installed from aur - where is the eln cache?

Key-chord is loaded, M-x key-chord-mode disables / enables but not functional.

emacs-native-comp-git installed from ArchlinuxCN works fine.

Edit - Have cleared the folders in /usr/lib/emacs/28.0.50/native-lisp - made no difference.

eln-cache should be in your .emacs.d, you deleted the system pre-compiled stuff,

I will have a look at what version is being run, I have not used arch in years

edit: @xircon, is your .emacs/spacemacs up to date on github? it won't fix anything, I just want to test with it

@xircon I have pulled the same branch used in the PKGBUILD, copied the default build settings and used the following

(require 'key-chord)

(key-chord-define-global "BB" 'iswitchb)
(key-chord-define-global "FF" 'find-file)
(key-chord-define-global "jk" 'beginning-of-buffer)

(key-chord-mode +1)

and it appears to work, aside from iswitchb which I don't have configured.

what I have noticed is that I did need to clean or bootstrap branches to solve other problems, this is not default in the PKGBUILD used, so attempting a full clean for that package may help, but @flatwhatson has also updated that branch between you posting this issue and me compiling, either could have solved the problem

Apologies, been really busy. My is not up to date on github and I am not going to get a chance to test until the weekend.

No worries, I know the feeling.

when you do get the time,

  1. try clearing the cache in .emacs.d/eln-cache (and .emacs.d/elpa might help, I'm not sure if the issue lies with native comp or the bytecompile) if that doesn't help then
  2. rebuild the aur package (and clear the lisp caches as per 1)

if all fails update the config and let me know here