EPUB 3.0 SDK for Android and iPhone, Offical team site : http://epub.anfengde.com

Primary LanguageObjective-C


Now we updated our EPUB SDK repository, the last version called EPUB UI Component.


EPUB SDK (the last version called EPUB UI Component) is a free software, all rights reserved by An Fengde Information Technology Co.,Ltd.

EPUB_SDK official site is http://epub.anfengde.com.

You can use EPUB SDK to make your own application. It’s free.

The only requirement is that when you distribute your program you have to indicate the source of EPUB SDK (putting a link in your documentation is fine).


  • 20120824 A significant improvement of this version is the support to EPUB 2.0.x, in which most of the ebooks on the net are published. The SDK API interface is unchanged for compatibility with previous applications. Also we've added Google's AdMob feature. Ebook readers developed by this dev kit will cast advertisements.