Rss_Server - for experimental Accel software
Simple code example for a RSS Server which can receive and store data sent by a RSS Device.
This is a very basic collection of codesneeded to setup a server which is capabe of receive acceleration data and to store in a MySQL database.
Depencency and related readings:
- of the mma8451 - Accel experimental software at
- MySQL 5.5 Reference Manual at
- MySQL Workbench at
Initial Preparation
RSS Server Software preparation
- Install all needed software in the Raspberry Pi candidate server
sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-get install build-essential python-dev
sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client
sudo apt-get install libmysqlclient-dev python-mysqldb
- Install Python Mysql Client
sudo pip install mysqlclient
sudo pip install pymysql
- Install the RSS Server Python software
git clone
Rss Database Initialization
In order to initialize the database, you can execute the file ./sql/rss_dbsetup.sql
by running mysql as follows:
$ mysql -u root -p<root_password> < ./mysql/rss_dbsetup.sql
Rss Server Basic Configuration File
The server configuration file is named
and can be found in the application root directory.
The very basic configuration required for the server is shown here below.
Please nothe that the sample Server configuration refers to a Single-Machine architecture (see Notes below).
# [Database]
DB_TYPE = 'mysql' # Databas type (only 'mysql' is supported so far)
DB_DNAME = 'rsssrvdb' # Database Name
DB_HOST = 'localhost' # Hostname or IP Address of the machine hosting MySQL
DB_USER = 'rssdb' # Database username
DB_PASS = 'rssdbpwd' # Database password
# [Network]
SRV_ADDRESS = '' # the IP address to listen on ( means all addresses)
SRV_PROTOCOL = 'tcp' # Protocol UDP or TCP
SRV_PORT = '15000' # The TCP/UDP port to linten
Startup task sequence
When ready, follow the startup sequence here below.
Have the RSS Device up and running (Please refer to mma8451 - Accel experimental software at
Configure the RSS Device to communicate with RSS Server
Start the RSS Server software
Start the Rss Device sorfware (the client)
If you have 2 Raspberry Pi you can implement a Two-Machines architcture, like dpicted in the diagram below.
+--------------+ +--------------+
| Raspberry Pi | Network | Raspberry Pi |
| Rss Device |<----------> | Rss Server |
+--------------+ +--------------+
Although, for testing purposes, a Single-Machine architecture, in which the same Raspberry can act as a server and as a client at the same time.