unresolved dependency
Kesavan21u opened this issue · 4 comments
Kesavan21u commented
when installing the sbt file in the Intellij idea. It shows error like Unresolved dependency.
mohammedi-haroune commented
same case for me, @Kesavan21u did you resolved the issue ?
Kesavan21u commented
@mohammedi-haroune No, I used a standford coreNLP Lemmatization in my project
mohammedi-haroune commented
@Kesavan21u thanks for your response I'll take a look
Timoeller commented
I also stumbled upon this problem.
You need to add another resolver to your build.sbt:
resolvers ++= Seq("spark-stemming" at "https://dl.bintray.com/spark-packages/maven/")
and import dependency: "master" % "spark-stemming" % "0.1.1"
not version 0.1.2