
A few notes

dexX7 opened this issue · 2 comments


good job! I noticed a few things:

  • In the case you are not in /install-msc/ and start the install script for example via "bash ./install-msc/" the setup will fail because it can't find pip.packages. If it's possible, it could help to use an absolute path instead of only the filename.
  • The instructions for manual install refer to curtislacy's mastercoin-tools, the auto script uses mastercoin-MSC's git.
  • The end dialog states something like "start a screen.. cd /root/install-msc/mastercoin-tools". The location was actually "/root/mastercoin-tools" for me.
  • The install on Ubuntu 12.04 x64 fails because the package libboost1.49-all-dev can't be located.
  • sx works on Ubuntu 12.10 x64 with an installation via the "" script but "screen" needs to be installed manually.
  • It may make sense to use "screen -R msc-tools" instead of "screen -S msc-tools" which tries to reattach the screen and otherwise will start a new one.

I'm currently running the "" script and will report back after I have more results.


  • I think the parsing completed. parsed.log and validated.log's last line is: "last validated block 295146 is identical to current height"
  • only returns TMSC balances, not MSC balances
  • nothing is in the archived.log
  • consensus check fails without running "pip install requests" first
  • there are a few consensus mismatches against
  • consensus vs. all sites has a slightly different result:

As mentioned, this is on a 12.10 x64 box. Install on 13.10 is still ongoing.


Similar results on 13.10 x64:


Looks like this is based on different mastercoin-tools commits.

Nevertheless, I tried to target a few of those points in #3.

We have seen similar consensus concerns. It looks like it is currently related to the bootstrap data. It will be commented out shortly (preferring a full sync from scratch) until we iron it out.

Deprecated repo, closing