
Notifications missing from Rubygems gem

raucao opened this issue · 3 comments

I stumbled upon this weird issue: in this repo, which has the same version number set as the gem from Rubygems, there's a method for retrieving notifications. In my installed version 1.1.0, that file doesn't exist.

Is this actually the correct, up-to-date source code for the published gem?

I don't think there's been a new gem release in a little while, but you can put this in a Gemfile to run the newest version of the code from this repo:

gem 'mastodon-api', git:"", require: 'mastodon'

(apologies, I had the wrong URL in here for a bit)

Thanks. That's what I did, but I'm asking about the actual version of the gem not being the same as the one here.

If it's that outdated, then why not publish whatever is in master now?

I can think of lots of reasons, but I can't publish it at all in the first place, that's a question for @Gargron